.. raw:: html .. role:: purple .. raw:: html .. role:: white .. raw:: html .. role:: green .. role:: blue .. role:: red ############# Scope & Usage ############# Scope ----- :purple:`Comparisons across data sets, shared and unique loci` **SMAP compare** analyzes the overlap (shared and unique loci) between two GBA data sets that have both been processed with :ref:`SMAP delineate `. **SMAP compare** can be used to compare: 1. parameter settings during read `preprocessing `_. #. parameter settings during read mapping (*e.g.* `BWA-MEM `_). #. parameter settings during locus delineation (:ref:`SMAP delineate `). #. sets of progeny derived from independent breeding lines to estimate transferability of marker sets across a breeding program. #. a set of pools against their constituent individuals to estimate sensitivity of detection across the allele frequency spectrum (example shown below). #. GBS experiments performed in different labs, to investigate if similar protocols lead to similar sets of loci, *i.e.* comparability of own data to external data. ---- Integration in the SMAP workflow -------------------------------- .. image:: ../images/compare/SMAP_global_scheme_home_compare.png **SMAP compare** is run on BED files with locus positions, directly after **SMAP delineate**, **SMAP sliding-frames** or **SMAP design**, and before the BED files are used for **SMAP haplotype-sites**. **SMAP compare** works on GBS, HiPlex and Shotgun sequencing data. Commands & options ------------------ :: smap compare /location/of/BED1 /location/of/BED2