INFO 08:43:24,816 HelpFormatter - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INFO 08:43:24,817 HelpFormatter - The Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK) v3.7-0-gcfedb67, Compiled 2016/12/12 11:21:18 INFO 08:43:24,817 HelpFormatter - Copyright (c) 2010-2016 The Broad Institute INFO 08:43:24,818 HelpFormatter - For support and documentation go to INFO 08:43:24,818 HelpFormatter - [Thu May 25 08:43:24 UTC 2023] Executing on Linux 5.15.0-69-generic amd64 INFO 08:43:24,818 HelpFormatter - OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 1.8.0_102-8u102-b14.1-1~bpo8+1-b14 INFO 08:43:24,821 HelpFormatter - Program Args: -T SelectVariants -R /home/genomics/rolbrechts/00_Data/00_Reference_genome_C_Canephora/ref_genome_Ccanephora_Denoeud/ref_genome_Ccanephora_WF.fa -V /home/genomics/rolbrechts/test_GATK.vcf_polymorph.vcf --restrictAllelesTo BIALLELIC -o /home/genomics/rolbrechts/test_GATK.vcf_biallelic.vcf INFO 08:43:24,826 HelpFormatter - Executing as root@200d6292fb3f on Linux 5.15.0-69-generic amd64; OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 1.8.0_102-8u102-b14.1-1~bpo8+1-b14. INFO 08:43:24,827 HelpFormatter - Date/Time: 2023/05/25 08:43:24 INFO 08:43:24,827 HelpFormatter - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INFO 08:43:24,827 HelpFormatter - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INFO 08:43:24,840 GenomeAnalysisEngine - Strictness is SILENT INFO 08:43:24,945 GenomeAnalysisEngine - Downsampling Settings: Method: BY_SAMPLE, Target Coverage: 1000 INFO 08:43:25,076 GenomeAnalysisEngine - Preparing for traversal INFO 08:43:25,077 GenomeAnalysisEngine - Done preparing for traversal INFO 08:43:25,078 ProgressMeter - [INITIALIZATION COMPLETE; STARTING PROCESSING] INFO 08:43:25,078 ProgressMeter - | processed | time | per 1M | | total | remaining INFO 08:43:25,078 ProgressMeter - Location | sites | elapsed | sites | completed | runtime | runtime INFO 08:43:26,917 SelectVariants - 9214 records processed. INFO 08:43:26,969 ProgressMeter - done 9214.0 1.0 s 3.4 m 99.9% 1.0 s 0.0 s INFO 08:43:26,970 ProgressMeter - Total runtime 1.89 secs, 0.03 min, 0.00 hours ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Done. There were no warn messages. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------