
Illustration of read mapping distribution in succesful GBS data

Below, we present six good quality GBS data sets analysed with SMAP delineate to illustrate typically expected read mapping distributions. For each data set, the command to run SMAP delineate with suggested optimal settings, together with graphical results are displayed for comparison to your own data.

Please note that while we suggest ‘optimal’ parameter settings in the command to run SMAP delineate, the default of SMAP delineate is to perform as little filtering as possible and to report all loci. The user is adviced to run SMAP delineate first with the mandatory and default settings (no data filtered out), and then decide on the most optimal parameter settings for your own data. Parameter settings should be iteratively adjusted for each novel data set, after manual inspection of the graphical output. The example data shown below are merely meant to illustrate the expected outcome of data sets processed with parameters adjusted to the specific type of library, reads and samples. If your data does not look like these examples, please check out the section Recommendations and Troubleshooting for examples (and suggested solutions) of incorrectly generated, preprocessed, or mapped GBS reads, or sample sets analyzed with inappropriate parameter settings for SMAP delineate. There, some guidelines for troubleshooting are provided, which may help to optimize GBS library preparation, sequencing, read preprocessing or SMAP delineate parameter settings.
Tab command shows a typical command to run SMAP delineate for double-enzyme GBS, single-end reads in diploid individuals.
Tabs for subsequent steps of Stack delineation show typical graphical results together with explanation about step-specific parameters.
smap delineate /directory/with/BAMs/ -mapping_orientation stranded  -p 8 --plot all --plot_type png --name 2n_ind_GBS-SE -f 50 -g 200 --min_stack_depth 3 --max_stack_depth 500 --min_cluster_depth 10 --max_cluster_depth 1500 --max_stack_number 2 --min_stack_depth_fraction 10 --completeness 1 --max_smap_number 10