SMAP snp-seq

This is the manual for the component SMAP snp-seq of the SMAP package.
SMAP snp-seq was designed specifically to design HiPlex amplicon primers for targeted resequencing of polymorphic loci, while accounting for neighboring SNPs during primer design.
SMAP snp-seq requires a reference genome sequence, a list of SNPs that should be targetted by amplicon sequencing (target), a VCF file with all known SNPs (background), and a list of SNPs that can be used to create a customized reference sequence.
SMAP snp-seq creates a list of primer sequences, a FASTA file with the amplicon sequences, a GFF file with primer sequence coordinates, a BED file with SMAPs for downstream analysis with SMAP haplotype-sites or a GFF file with border coordinates for downstream analysis with SMAP haplotype-window.